
Some different uses of tuples in Roc.

A tuple is like a record, except instead of field names they have field positions. For example, instead of having foo.name to access the name field of a record, you might write foo.0 to acess the first field in a tuple (or foo.1 for the second field, etc.)


app [main!] { pf: platform "https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli/releases/download/0.18.0/0APbwVN1_p1mJ96tXjaoiUCr8NBGamr8G8Ac_DrXR-o.tar.br" }

import pf.Stdout

main! = \_args ->

    # a tuple that contains different types
    simple_tuple : (Str, Bool, I64)
    simple_tuple = ("A String", Bool.true, 15_000_000)

    # access the items in a tuple by index (starts at 0)
    first_item = simple_tuple.0
    second_item = if simple_tuple.1 then "true" else "false"
    third_item = Num.toStr simple_tuple.2

        First is: $(first_item),
        Second is: $(second_item),
        Third is: $(third_item).

    # You can also use tuples with `when`:
    fruit_selection : [Apple, Pear, Banana]
    fruit_selection = Pear

    quantity = 12

    when (fruit_selection, quantity) is
        # TODO re-enable when github.com/roc-lang/roc/issues/5530 is fixed.
        # (_, qty) if qty == 0 -> Stdout.line! "You also have no fruit."
        (Apple, _) -> Stdout.line! "You also have some apples."
        (Pear, _) -> Stdout.line! "You also have some pears."
        (Banana, _) -> Stdout.line! "You also have some bananas."


Run this from the directory that has main.roc in it:

$ roc main.roc
First is: A String,
Second is: true,
Third is: 15000000.
You also have some pears.